[02:05:41] [System Message] -serenade- can not access this room from now on!
[02:05:42] [System Message] <-serenade-> has been banned!
EHLR Rules:
https://edhlr.canadaboard.net/hlr1-ban-requests-f3/high-level-room-rules-t18.htm•Afking/Idling is not allowed.
•Afking/idling is always banable, regardless of what the situation in the game is and regardless of how small your chance of winning is. You MUST keep playing to the best of your ability until the endgame scoreboard appears!
•Idling means to stand still with your hero, or to move around in your base (or anywhere else) without doing anything to help your team.
•If you have an emergency that forces you to go afk, like spilling soda on your keyboard, or feeling a sudden urge to visit the restroom, make sure to tell ALL the players in the game where you are going and when they might expect you to return. If you were afk for a total of 5 minutes or more, make sure to SAVE the replay in case someone reports you. If you cannot present the replay, you will NOT be unbanned!
•If you for some reason have to be afk, do not move around with your hero to avoid being booted. It's up to your teammates if they wish to wait for your return or not. You cannot avoid ban by "dodging" the afk timer.