1)Broodmother (toosting) sold AFFL1CT1ON item (boots) , which is game ruining ( NOT ALLOWED).
2) varupficatii (The Host) took zeus item after he left( bottle) which his team mates must agree , and what i saw in replay is ogre was
the only one to agree.
varupficatii (The Host) said i asked ogre in private message to take zeus items, and ofc replay shows it all, there was no private message to ogre.
so in this case , there was game ruining, and disrespect his team mate.... selling his items, and flames towards AFFL1CT10N.
15:52 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: ask7before7taking7items
15:52 [Allies] toosting: ,,
15:57 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: ban7from7hlr--->host
15:57 [Allies] JePawa: i just gave you
16:00 [Allies] toosting: 5 k gold
16:03 [Allies] varupficatii: fuck off noob
16:08 [Allies] varupficatii: i piss on your ban
16:14 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: you7will7see
16:27 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: i7report7always
16:32 [Allies] varupficatii: dont forge
16:33 [Allies] JePawa: report what?
16:33 [Allies] JePawa: report what?
16:33 [Allies] varupficatii: t
16:34 [Allies] JePawa: lol
16:36 [Allies] varupficatii: noobtard
16:38 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: he7took7bottle
16:43 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: without7asking
16:44 [Allies] JePawa: so?
16:46 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: read7the7rules
16:48 [Allies] JePawa: i agree
16:54 [Allies] JePawa: he can take it
16:56 [Allies] varupficatii: i asked ogre
16:57 [Allies] JePawa: go report
16:57 [Allies] varupficatii: he agreed
17:00 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: sure7u7did
17:03 [Allies] varupficatii: i talked to him in private
17:05 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: i7want7to7see7that
17:09 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: and?
17:14 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: you7have7to7ask7whole7team
17:16 [Allies] JePawa: go play roomj 1000
17:16 [Allies] varupficatii: so fuck off
17:20 [Allies] JePawa: and shut up
17:24 [Allies] AFFL1CT10N: u7will7see
18:01 [Allies] toosting: i sold his boots xD