The namespoofer issue is something we have discussed a zillion times, and it's impossible to come up with a reasonable solution without asking the guys down in Singapore to reprogram the client itself.
We would like that "player has joined your game" message to appear for all players rather than just the host. We have proposed loads of clever solutions like that one to them over the past years, and not a single one of them was ever implemented so far. (Like an option to ban uid rather than username for instance, or a log that keep tracks of all channel admin actions to prevent abuse from going unnoticed.) But this particular one is more important than any of the previous, so I intend to make an attempt as soon as things have settled down with the new forum revamp. I very much doubt we'll see results, but despite all previous failures it's worth a try.
Host-only bans is not appropriate since:
1. Hosts cannot be banned
2. The host decides who gets banned and not, meaning it's advantagous to be friends with the host
Another solution that's possible with current means is to force all hosts to take a screenshot of the game lobby in every game they host and upload those screenshots in a huge database where players can retrieve them if they wish to report someone. But that's really not sustainable. So much effort for such an uncommon issue. I think I'll rather go with trust over justice then.
Now since we don't have any of those nice features I suppose I have no choice but to trust you. But before I unban you I'd like you to edit the subject of this thread to: unban ET-_^