info: he went afk for long periods during game. autokick system couldnt catch him cause he was moving a step and then went afk again. In sum i guess he spent 30 min beeing afk at least, as replay will show. Without him going afk or even without him in game we could have won this. It was basicly a great fun game and to speak for me he significantly ruined the fun in the end.
a short afk phase happens around min 14, but nothing to blame someone for.
The main afk phase happens from 34:30, then he went afk untill min 53. Between that afk phase he scrolled on map around for 2 times. Means he was there and wathicng, he could have said that he has a RL emergency or whatever...but he just went afk.
This is my first replay posted so I appologise if i forgot something. I ll correct it immediatelly.