You haven't been banned against our rules because technically you left after the first blood is drawn and after that point onwards you cannot leave unless all the players in the game agree on remake or a majority do so if some1 has left previously , which is not the case.
But well apparently you had nothing to do with the first blood, it doesn't affect you directly, so I think you have been banned enough time (four days) for what you did, considering you haven't provided any evidence and you should have assured yourself about the quality of the host (in most of cases you just know that the host is unfit for you by tunneling him before joining)
[12:05:15] [System Message] Archona can access this room from now on!
By the way there is some information you might be interested on :
Start warcraft 3 > Options > Gameplay > "automatically save replays " . If you enable this feature every replay of yours will be recorded automatically in a folder in your warcraft 3 folder.